Farmers to Farmer Capacity Building Program

Capacity building of progressive farmers in South Asia on recent advances in the farming system, crop production, seed processing, seed village, heavy machinery, and use of IT advancements.

Training progressive farmers is also a focus areas of CSFD. As part of this initiative, CSFD has organized an all-Asia farmer to a farmer training program with the support of FAO which had the mandate to strengthen dialogue and peer-to-peer learning among farmers to share local, cost-effective and proven solutions from southern countries, in support of regional initiatives and priorities.

The main objective of the training program was to impart exposure to farmers from Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Self Help Women’s Association Group (SEWA) Gujarat in India on recent advances in the farming system, with particular emphasis on crop production, seed processing, seed village, heavy machinery, use of IT advancements and to participate in Farmer Mela (exhibition/fair). The training program comprised of classroom orientation on farming practices of wheat, chickpea seed cultivation, pulses in Karnataka and seed village model of Dharwad, Karnataka, India. Particular emphasis was placed on crop and livestock production, seed production, agricultural equipment, use of drones and information and technology. Farmer groups also shared knowledge about sustainable agricultural practices including agroecology and crop and livestock production management practices. In peer-to-peer learning opportunities, farmers spoke about improving crop rotation, reducing inputs, enhancing biodiversity, and practicing better water management.

Glimpses of Farmer to Farmer Interactive Training Program


The short film

Participants Testimonials

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