Abhihaara and ReWeave collaborate to provide cross-learning opportunity to Indian and Cornell students

Abhihaara and ReWeave get another opportunity to share their work, social entrepreneurial journey and recent interventions in Andhra Pradesh in partnership with #SEEDAP with the meritorious and talented students and faculty of Fiber Science and Apparel Design, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University, recently.

Cornell Sathguru Foundation from Development (CSFD), in collaboration with Cornell University, implements International Agriculture and Rural Development (IARD) programme which provides cross-learning opportunity to Indian and Cornell students.

The relationship continues to grow in the second visit of Cornell to Abhihaara and ReWeave. The Department of Fiber Science and Apparel Design at Cornell University is unique in the Ivy League. It’s quite enriching to understand their multidisciplinary approach that combines design, art, biology, chemistry, engineering and social science concepts and methods.

The department faculty seeks to educate students about these topics with the long-term goal of affecting change in design, materials, people’s health and well-being, manufacturing, economic vitality, and the environment. Prof Denise Nicole Green, director, Cornell Costume & Textile Collection Department, Rajeswari Meka, associate vice-president – CSFD, Ranjana Das made this happen.

First Published in: Telangana Today

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